srijeda, 4. srpnja 2012.

Actor Andy Griffith dies at 86

Sad news indeed. Actor Andy Griffith dies in North Carolina at 86.We remember him from "The Andy Griffith Show"

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Alec Baldwin quits Twitter again

Oh! Not Again! Alec Baldwin decided to quit twitter one more time! What a disaster for twitter community! :)

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Tom Cruise celebrates 50th birthday without Katie Holmes

It seems that marriage between Tom and Katie has finally come to the end because Tom celebrated his 50th birthday without her.


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utorak, 3. srpnja 2012.

Justin Bieber graduates from high school

Justin Bieber is now official high school graduate! He received his high school diploma from St. Michael Catholic Secondary School.

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Willow Smith debut video

A daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett has first video debut in her music career.

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